Monday, August 26, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Back/Triceps...

Cannonball Pull Ups - 8x8  

LeverEdge Row - 8x8 @ 110lbs

Cable Push Down - 130lbs*

LeverEdge Close BP - 190lbs*


Cash Out:

Kettlebell Triceps Extension 4x8 @ 53lbs then 1x8 @ 70lbs

Cannon Ball Pull Ups: “Using the cannonballs is exactly what makes this pull-up variation a beast.  By holding a  ball in each hand, you’ll have to keep your wrist flexed the entire time.  The tension created in the wrists and into the forearms helps develop serious pulling strength.

You’ll instantly notice the tension created in your hands is carried across your arms into your upper back.  You’ll create much more stability and contraction throughout the movement”. - Muscle & Fitness 

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