Sunday, November 24, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Back/Triceps...

Around-The-World Pull Ups 

Cable Rows - 90lbs (15 second test in between sets)

45lb Plate Skull Crushers 

LeverEdge Close Bench - 195lbs

Cash Out - Ice Cream Makers - 6x4

“A form of dynamic front lever exercise, Ice cream makers have a strange name, but a serious purpose and when done with correct form, will allow you to build both strength and mass. If you are interested in working up to certain skills like the front lever, this is a great movement

During the movement, your body is completely straight and your toes are pointed outwards. To initiate the exercise; pull up, and proceed to extend your body into a horizontal line whilst locking out your elbows on every repetition”. - Monkey Method 

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