Friday, November 29, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Back/Triceps...

Front Lever Pull Ups - 8x4

Cable Rows - 100lbs

Hex Press - 8x8 @ 35lbs - 195lbs

Barbell Kickback - 45lb bar 

Finish: Front Lever Holds & Ice Cream Makers

Barbell Kickbacks:“This is a finishing off movement, purely for development at the juncture of the triceps heads, the horseshoe area. Is range is very limited and the exercise is almost all cramp.

I stole this movement from George Payne’s routine, and if you can show me anyone with better definition in this area I’ll give you an inch off my arm! Hold the bar with the side of the hands just touching the thighs, your palms facing away from the body. Throw the bar away from you, hold it there. - Larry Scott

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