Saturday, January 4, 2020

7-5-3 Wave - Shoulders/Traps...

Standing Cable Shoulder Press - 50-60-70/60-70-80 (each side) 

DB Bent-Over Laterals - 30-35-40/35-40-45*

Seal Rows - 35-40-45/40-45-50*

*SuperSet: 2-0-2 tempo.

Front Lever then, Back Lever

Wide Barbell Upright Row 75-95-95/85-95-105


Tip: Use a Wide Grip on Upright Rows. A wider grip has been shown in studies to increase deltoid and trapezius activity, and correspondingly, less biceps brachii activity. In addition to maximizing recruitment of the muscle we're trying to develop. - T Nation 

Finish with: 

Reverse Iron Cross Push Up - 2x8

Advanced L-Sit (Floor) 

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