Monday, January 6, 2020



AFAP complete 10 sets of:

40M Dumbbell Runs - 200lbs

10 Bodyweight Sissy Squats 

“What are the benefits of using a sissy squat bench? The sissy squat exercise is perhaps one of the best, and most challenging, quad isolation exercises there is. If done correctly with the body angled back and the hips driven forward, quad isolation is greatly amplified lessening the engagement of the posterior chain such as the glutes and hamstrings. The sissy squat can be used as a standalone bodyweight exercise, or for more advanced users, can be used while holding a weight plate, kettlebell, dumbbell or even a sandbag for added resistance. Dont like doing leg extensions? The sissy squat is a great alternative to the leg extension machine. It also makes the greatest finishing exercise imaginable after squats, hack squats or leg presses. The sissy squat is capable of producing the most intense burn in the quadriceps and can deliver great strength and muscle gains”. IronCompany.Com

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