Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Trap Bar Death March...

Short on time? Here's a nasty, versatile, total-body workout

The trap bar is one of the most versatile tools in the weight room. It can stimulate the entire body, torch the lower body without the spinal compression of having a barbell on your back, and build tons of muscle on your upper back and traps.

The trap bar can even be used for conditioning. Enter the "Trap Bar Death March" set. This challenges overall work capacity and grip strength (both static and dynamic). And the neutral loading of the handle placement allows for heavier weight on the bar for a powerful loaded conditioning movement.

In a nutshell, you're going to do the trap bar deadlift and take a short farmer's walk between mini-sets. 

The 3 and 3 Method

Do 3 reps, walk 3 steps, do 3 reps, walk 3 steps, etc., until you can't do any more. 

100 Deadlift & 100 Steps. 

Finished with: Ketttlebell Death March - 30 steps with 16kg bells 

Finished with: 6x10 second ring front levers. A lot harder (for me at least) than bar front levers

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