Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Chest & Back - 4x16...

Incline LeverEdge Press - 115lbs

TRX Flyes - 4x16

“Bear Push Ups” - 8x8

*”Plant your feet into the wall and keep the knees bent as shown. Now push-up. Without the help from the lower body you normally get during the standard version of the exercise (yes you actually do get a LOT of help from your legs and regular push-ups) you’ll find this to be a true ball buster”. - @athleanx

Face Pull - 4x16 @ 30lbs

Close Grip Row - 4x16 @ 100lbs

One-arm High Pulley Rows - 4x16 @ 40lbs*

*”There is no better lat spreader than this - the one arm pulley row! You can keep your hip and pelvis back will you let the arm go up and away from your hips… Placing an amazing tension on the lats”. - @ athleanx 

Dynamic Front Lever - 3x6

Cash Out: five assisted one-arm pull


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