Friday, February 7, 2020

Shoulders & Traps - 4x16...

LeverEdge Press - 4x16 @ 90lbs

Bent-Over Laterals - 4x16 @ 15lbs

Incline Seal Rows - 4x16 @ 25lbs


TRX Rear Delt Row 8x8 @ BW 

V-handle Cable Shrugs - 4x16 @ 200lbs

Overhead Plate Raise - 2x16 @ 15lbs

Finished with: V-Sit Hold x2 - Next stop: Manna

“The manna, when performed properly, looks almost impossible: the ability to perform an L-Sit, hands behind you, legs off the floor and the impressive magic that happens when the body compresses in on itself, supported only by the arms. For most new to Gymnastics Strength Training™, the manna is completely unknown

As you can imagine, training towards the manna involves many different components, but fortunately, that also means it prepares the body in several varied ways. First, there is a ton of scapular retraction strength required to take the L-sit back and up through a V-sit and into a manna. This greatly increases the load on your triceps to keep your elbows extended, and it also strengthens your entire upper back in order to lift your hips above your torso.”. - Gymnastics Bodies

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