Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Shoulders & Traps - 4x16...


Machine Press - 4x16 @ 75lbs

Lean Back Cable Laterals - 4x16 @ 25lbs

Delt Sweeps - 4x16 @ 25lbs

Behind-the-Back Smith Machine Shrugs - 4x16 @ 185lbs

Rear Pec Dec Fly - 4x16 @ 100lbs


PM: Shoulders Part 2

Seated Ez Bar Front Raise & Press - 2x16 @ 20lbs then, Seated Ez Bar Front Raise 2x16 @ 20lbs

Wall Facing HSPUs - 3x10

* Chest to wall more properly mimics the way your body will move in a freestanding handstand pushup. When doing it back-to-wall, you're encouraging high back arch and also allowing for wide elbows - something you cannot do in a freestanding HSPU if you want to maintain balance. 

Bent-over Lateral Raises - 4x16 @ 15lbs

L-Sit - 10 x 10 seconds 

Muscle Snatch - 30/40/50/60x10

Seated DB Snatches - 3x8 @ 20lbs

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