Saturday, March 7, 2020

Gironda 8x8 - Back/Triceps...

Wide Grip Pulldowns - 8x8 @ 120lbs

Smith Machine Rows - 8x8 @ 135lbsl*

Around-The-World Pull Ups - 4x4*


Leaning Underhand Dips - 8x8

LeverEdge Close Bench - 180lbs

Cash Out: 

1/2 Rep Smith Machine Reverse BP - 5x5 @ 185lbs 

Front Lever 

“The reverse-grip bench press is mostly used for triceps. Getting the bar out of the rack without a handoff and the torque on the wrists makes the free-weight barbell version feel kinda shitty.

When you use the Smith machine for these, you can turn your wrists out more than you could with the barbell, eliminating the stress on them that the barbell version creates. And also since you're not trying to stabilize the bar the entire time, you can load up the triceps with this version far better than you can with the barbell.

Try bringing it down about 2-3 inches from touching the chest. This will also overloaded your triceps much better than the full range of motion version”. - T Nation

“Leaning underhand dips: this is the best TRICEPS killer. It probably hits the triceps more than any other dip variation out there.

By leaning forward you increase the difficulty and chest engagement of the exercise! In the beginning just try to do dips with an underhand grip. If you do the same exercise with an overhand grip, you'll hit less triceps but more chest and shoulders”. - Vahva Fitness

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