Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Shoulders & Traps - 4x8...


Strict Military Press - 4x8 @ 85lbs

Kettlebell Monkey Row - 4x8 @ 35lbs*


Plate Bent-over Lateral Raise - 8x8

@ 15lbs*

Plate Lateral Raise - 8x8 @ 15lbs*


“Sometimes, more is not always better. And when it comes to fitness in particular, you don’t need a fully equipped gym to work on your endurance, your explosiveness and your mobility. Sometimes, all you need is a single Weight Plate”! - Gronk Fitness

Cash Out: 

Delt Sweeps - 2x8 @ 35lbs*

Push Up + Strict HSPU Combo - 2x4


Hang Power Snatch - 2x15 @ 45lbs

Overhead Barbell Raise - 2x15 @ 45lbs

* Superset

Hang Power Snatch - 25 reps @ 95lbs

Cash Put: Slow Pull Up x 2 (60s & 37s) 

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