Thursday, April 16, 2020

9-7-5 Wave - Deadlifts & Russian Kettlebell Swings ...

AM: Snatch Grip: 185-205-225/205-225-245(2) 

Trap Bar (Low handle): 185-205-225/205-225-245 then, 2x3 @ 315 (slow)

Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift: 10x5 @ 205

PM: Russian Kettlebell Swings  - 10x10 @ 97lbs

“Heavy kettlebell training is not just beneficial for size and strength, but for muscular endurance as well. The muscular endurance you build with heavy kettlebells is much more beneficial than light kettlebells for athletes. In addition, heavy kettlebell training engages the CNS more efficiently, teaches you how to master your own leverage points, and if used correctly, probably has a great benefit to optimizing anabolic hormones”. - Mike Mahler

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