Monday, May 11, 2020

9-7-5 Wave - Arms...

Pelican Eccentric Curls - 9-7-5x2 @ BW (5 seconds)*

Decline Diamond Push Ups - 9-7-5x2 (2 seconds) 

Kettlebell Skullcrusher - 35-53-53x2

KB Hammer Curls - 53-53-70x2

Cash Out: 

Max Close Grip Bench @ 75% of Bodyweight - 115lbs - 35 reps (5

rep PR!) 

Max Reps Chin Ups @ 10lb ankle weights - 20 reps 

Static Iso Flex


Max reps of kettlebell bench press at 140lbs (70s). Got 25 reps. Goal was 30. Felt strong - until I didn’t. That got brutal quickly. I definitely went to failure. 

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