Friday, May 8, 2020

Hang Power Cleans & Klokov Push Press...

10x10  @ 75lbs - 100 reps
Cash Out: 
Klokov Press - 5x10 @ 75lbs
Kettlebell Jump Shrugs - 5x10 @ 70lbs

*These jacked up my HR. My AVG HR was 131 over the whole workout. 


Klokov Push Press




200x1 - first attempt @ 200lbs! 

“Push press is the dynamic version of a more common strict military overhead press.  This compound exercise works multiple muscles but the work horses in this movement are the deltoids, triceps and traps.  Due to initial leg drive, push presses engage quadriceps, glutes and hamstrings while abdominal wall and lower back stabilize the trunk preventing excessive spinal arching.  Essentially push press is a total body exercise which has number of performance benefits”. - Science & Strength 


HPC - 15x10 @ 75lbs 

Overhead Plate Raises - 5x10 @ 35lbs

“The effectiveness of the Plate Raise is increased by bringing the plate above eye level and all the way over your head. Bringing it all the way overhead will bring the traps and upper back into action. These really hit the top of the traps and the rhomboids”. - T Nation 

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