Thursday, May 21, 2020

Snatch Grip Deadlifts, Russian Swings & Floor Press...

Snatch Grip Deadlift - 10x5 @ 225lbs

Russian Kettlebell Swings - 5x10 @ 70lbs

Barbell Floor Press - 7-5-3 @ 225lbs

The Floor Press is a very effective movement to build pure pressing strength, along with muscle mass in the chest, shoulders, triceps. To understand why it's effective, it's important to understand force production when you lift a weight.

Pressing from the floor reduces the contribution of elasticity and the stretch reflex. If you pause with your upper arms on the floor for a second or two at the start of each rep, you can reduce the contribution of the stretch reflex by as much as 90 percent. That's why most of us will be weaker pressing from the floor than we are when we press from a bench, even though the range of motion is shorter.

But by inhibiting the stretch reflex, you rely almost entirely on the actual contraction of the muscles during a floor press. The result is a more forceful contraction, and lots of gains in size and strength. In that sense, it's the upper-body equivalent of a deadlift. - T Nation 

PM: Barbell Floor Press - 9 reps @ 225lbs

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