Friday, June 12, 2020

Gironda 8x8- Chest/Biceps...

Ring Push Up - 8x8 @ 20lb Vest

Ring Fly - 8x8 @ 20lb Vest 


Chin Ups - 8x4 @ 20lb Vest

Pelican Curls - 8x4 @ 20lb Vest

Iso Curls/ Prayer Pose

Kettlebell Reverse Curls - 4x8 @ 53lbs

Kettlebell Fly - 4x8 @ 35lbs


Cash Out: Bent-arm Planche x4 

“The bent-arm planche requires you to balance on just your hands so your chest hovers a few inches above the ground. "Since your feet aren't involved, your pecs, back, arms, and abs have to support your body weight," says Josh Halbert, Director of Education at Kinetic Systems Strength and Conditioning in Columbia, Maryland, “It takes extreme strength and muscle control”. - Men’s Heath

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