Saturday, June 6, 2020

Rings: Shoulders/Traps - 4x16...

Ring Rear Lateral Row- 4x16*

Ring Face Pull - 4x16*


Overhead Ring Lateral Raise - 4x16

Overhead Ring Lean-Outs - 4x16

Cash Out: Three-way Plate Pushout - 5x5 @ 25lbs - 75 reps total 

“Need a great finisher for your shoulders? The three-way plate push-up does the trick every time. Make sure not to just press, but “stick” the pressout by holding the plate at arms length for a 1-2 count. Presses to the front will hit the front delts hard while presses to the side will more affectively hammer the middle delts. Rep out these triplets until the burn is too much to handle. Let the shoulder gains begin”! - Jeff Cavalieri, AthleanX

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