Friday, August 7, 2020

7-5-3 Wave - Back & Chest...

Close Grip Pull Down - 


*Superset with Dynamic Front Lever 

Vertical Guillotine Press - 

185-200-215/200-215-230 (5lb)

*Superset with Low to high Fly - 5 reps @ 40lbs

TRX Inverted Row - 7-5-3 x2 

Gironda Dips - 7-5-3 x2 


No matter what bench or bar you actually perform the dips on, form is the real key.

  1. Once you get up on the bars with your arms fully extended, look down and touch your chin to your chest.
  2. Round your back slightly. While keeping your feet together, bring them out in front of you so you're staring at your toes.
  3. Descend "as low as you can to a full stretch," in Vince's words. Maintain strict control with no bouncing.
  4. Keep the elbows flared out wide in order to decrease the involvement of the triceps and emphasize the chest.

“You must use a parallel bar that is 33" wide, if it is not you will not receive the intended benefit from this movement. Anything wider or narrower will not work the pecs as desired. The most important execution of the movement is in the elbows: They must be wide and straight out from the shoulders. The head has to be in a down position with the chin resting on the upper chest and the back should be rounded forward.

Cross your feet and make certain they are slightly in front of your face, not back. Dip down as far as possible and return as high as you can. Never change this position as it isolates the pectoral muscles and limits the involvement of the triceps. Performing the movement with the elbows in will emphasize more triceps than pecs.

Very few bodybuilders perform this movement as described. It is perhaps one of the best movements for building and shaping the pecs there is. But, it must be performed correctly in order to obtain the results it is capable of providing. Do not rush the movement, which seems to be a natural tendency. Take your time and get a full stretch at the bottom and contact the pecs forcefully at the top of the movement. Do not begin the movement with the triceps, concentrate on the pecs and allow them to begin the upward motion”. - Elite Lifts 

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