Monday, October 12, 2020

Arms: 10-8-6-15...

Double Cable Curls -60-80-100-40

Machine Reverse Bench Press -


*Don't bring the bar all the way down to your chest. Lower it to a few inches above to make sure the triceps are under tremendous tension the entire time.

Rope Hammer Curls - 


Leaning Rope Triceps Extensions



Cash Out:

Double KB Curls - 3x8 @ 35lbs

Over-the-Shoulder Sandbag Throw - 3x5 @ 100lbs

I like the sandbag over the shoulders because it takes several of the lifts we’re already familiar with and makes a few slight modifications to make the lift a little more “real life”.  It has some of the motions of the deadlift, squat, clean, and even the kettle bell swing but keeps everything very tight to the body.  It also forces you to use your core and upper body and not just the legs”. - Huntingfit.Com

Empty EX Bar Curls - 2x25 @ 40lbs

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