Sunday, October 4, 2020


AM: Metfit 

DB Standing/Kneeling/Sitting Complex 

7 lateral raises

7 front raises

7 rear delt rows 

10 overhead presses 

One set of each @ 20-15-10 

+ 2 minute rest in between sets. 

It actually gets harder as the weights get lighter and you go from standing to kneeling to sitting as the tension increases. 

Hang Power Cleans - 10x10 @ 75lbs

Wall Walks x 5 

Max Angled TRX HSPUs - Start at about 70% angler and get steeper. Got 22-18-10.

PM - Garage

Haven’t tried a heavy strict press in a while. Decided to test my 1RM. 




165x1 - fought for that one!

*In jeans and slides! 

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