Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Gironda 8x8 - Chest/Biceps...

Cable Fly - 50lbs*

Incline DB Press - 50lbs*


Incline KB Fly - 3x8 @ 26lbs

High Cable Curl - 40lbs*

Seated Double KB Curls - 26lbs*


Cash Out: Pelican Curls - 10x5

Pelican curls — “These are a often quite underrated bicep exercise that will work wonders for building arm size and strength. There are two ways of approaching this exercise. The first method, and usually best if you are new to this exercise, is to use long 6-8 second eccentrics, to break that muscle fiber down and strengthen it in it’s lengthening phase. The second option is to perform the exercise with a concentric and eccentric, as you would with any other exercise. This one can be a bit awkward in terms of form if you have never done it before". - Bodyweighttribe.com

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