Monday, November 30, 2020

Shoulders & Traps..

LeverEdge Press - 4x8 @ 80lbs*

Neutral-Grip Sternum Chin-Up - 4x8*


Neutral-Grip Sternum Ceehin-Up

If you've never performed this version of a chin-up, you're missing out. Give it a shot. Not only does it hit your lats and rear delts harder than a traditional chin-up, it also blasts your core.

Lying Reverse Seal Swings - 4x8 @ 25lbs*

Seated Snatches - 4x8 @ 25lbs*


*Dynamic Front Lever X 3 in between sets

Seated Snatches

Light up your traps and delts with this simplified variation of the barbell snatch.

“The barbell snatch is complex, and something that's difficult to master even with a coach. Simplifying this movement by eliminating the involvement of the ankle, knee, and hip joint by using dumbbells and taking a seat is great for lifters looking for some size and conditioning.

The best part about them, unlike barbell snatches, is that they make you responsible for your negative reps. That forces you to be much more honest with the weight you choose, especially when doing sets of 6 or 8 reps. Moreover, similar to a Z press, this movement will quickly expose mobility issues since your seated position has no backrest.

If you can't hold the weight directly overhead with an upright torso, it's time to improve your shoulder mobility and the health of your thoracic spine. To say this focuses on just the front, mid, or rear delts would be selling it short because it tackles all three, depending on the phase of the lift. “ - T Nation 

Cash Out: 

Narrow V-Handle Overjead Press - 3x8 @ 60lbs

Lateral Plate Raise - 4x8 @ 25lbs

Overhead Plate Raise - 4x8 @ 25lbs


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