Thursday, February 4, 2021

Heavy DPT - Arms...

30-20-10/10-20-30 reps of:

EZ Bar Curls @ 80-90-100

Parallel Dips @ 35-30-25

Alternate movements. Start with 30 reps of

Barbell Curls, then move to 10 Dips, then 20

Barbell Curls and 20 Dips, and so on.

Then, 1x25 curl @ 40lbs & 1x1 @ 130lbs with 5 second eccentric. 

Cash Out:

Rope Pushdowns 3x25 @ 80lbs

Pelican Curl Negatives - 3x5

Pelican curls — “These are a often quite underrated bicep exercise that will work wonders for building arm size and strength. There are two ways of approaching this exercise. The first method, and usually best if you are new to this exercise, is to use long 6-8 second eccentrics, to break that muscle fiber down and strengthen it in it’s lengthening phase”. -

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