Saturday, October 30, 2021

Back & Biceps Compound Set...

Pelican Curls - 25x5 

Weighted Pull Ups - 25x5 @ 25lbs


125 reps each - 250 total reps! 

Cash Out: 

Headbanger Pull Ups - 5x10

Green Band Curls - 2x25

AVG HR - 134

MAX HR - 161

Agonist Superset: Pull-Up and Curl

Jack up the metabolic and muscular damage, jack up your biceps growth. Try this superset: Pull Ups and Curls. 

An agonist superset is also known as a "compound set." This type of superset consists of simply combining a primary muscle exercise with an assisting muscle exercise. For instance, an agonist pairing superset of pull ups and curls. 

The pull-ups act as a primary muscle exercise (back), while the biceps curls act as an assisting muscle exercise.

Because of the metabolic and muscular damage (both good) that'll result from these supersets, you'll need longer rest periods during the workout and longer recovery periods between training sessions for the same muscle group”. - T Nation

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