Friday, November 5, 2021

Shoulders - Bands...

Overhead Band Pull Apart

Banded Victory Raise 


“Do you want a shoulder exercise that hits all three heads of the delts along with the traps and lower rhomboids? well look no further. 

The Victory Raise combines the benefits of the lateral raise, the front raise, and the band pull-apart. It’s a compound exercise that uses the bands to force more delt involvement by keeping the scapula properly aligned. This means you can’t use you can’t compensate with your upper traps.

Tip: Keep some tension in the band at the bottom of the exercise for maximum TUT (Time under tension), and muscle growth”. - Generation Iron

30 reps @ Blue (Light)

30 reps @ Green (Medium)

30 reps @ Orange (Heavy)

30 reps @ Green (Medium)

30 reps @ Blue (Light)

150 reps each. 300 total reps. 

Cash Out: 

Upright Row - 5x15 @ Black (Ultra-heavy) 

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