Saturday, April 30, 2022

Mutt Bar EDT - Arms/Shoulders

PR One - 15 Minutes 

Mutt Bar Curls - 33lbs - 75 reps

Reverse Curl /Shoulder Press - 33lbs - 75 reps 

3 minute rest 

PR Two - 5 Minutes 

Mutt Bar Hammer Curls - 33lbs - 75 reps

Triceps Extensions - 33lbs - 75 reps 

AVG HR - 126 BPM

MAX HR - 147 BPM

Cash Out: 

Mutt Bar Overhead Raises - 33lbs 

Mutt Bat Klokov Presses - 66lbs

Mutt Bar Curls - 66lbs

Isometric Static Flex

Friday, April 29, 2022

Chest/ Back - 8x8…

TRX Fly 

TRX Row 


Cash Out: 

TRX Face Pulls - 3x8

Bear Push Ups - 3x8

AVG HR - 123

MAX HR - 144

@ Lighthouse Point 

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Mutt Bar Snatches…

33lb bar - 150 reps

Cash Out:

66lb bar - 50 Reps

AVG HR - 142 BPM

MAX HR - 175 BPM

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

EDT - Shoulders & Traps..

PR One - 15 Minutes

LeverEdge Shoulder Press - 70lbs - 60 reps 

Neutral-Grip Sternum Chin-Ups - 60 reps 

Neutral-Grip Sternum Chin-Up

If you've never performed this version of a chin-up, you're missing out. Give it a shot. Not only does it hit your lats and rear delts harder than a traditional chin-up, it also blasts your core.

AVG HR - 126 BPM

AX HR - 151 BPM

Rest 3 Minutes

PR Two - 5 Minutes

Lying Reverse Seal Swings - 25lbs

Seated Snatches -  25lbs

AVG HR - 132 BPM

AX HR - 151 BPM

Seated Snatches

Light up your traps and delts with this simplified variation of the barbell snatch.

“The barbell snatch is complex, and something that's difficult to master even with a coach. Simplifying this movement by eliminating the involvement of the ankle, knee, and hip joint by using dumbbells and taking a seat is great for lifters looking for some size and conditioning.

To say this focuses on just the front, mid, or rear delts would be selling it short because it tackles all three, depending on the phase of the lift. “ - T Nation 

Cash Out: 

Lateral Plate Raise - 4x8 @ 25lbs

Overhead Plate Raise - 4x8 @ 25lbs


Tuesday, April 26, 2022

EDT - Arms...

PR One - 15 Minutes:

EZ Bar Curls - 50lbs -  135 reps 

Dips -135 reps 

5 minute rest

PR Two - 5 Minutes:

Axle Bar Curls - 85lbs - 30 reps 

LeverEdge CG Press - 120lbs - 30 reps 

330 reps in 20 minutes! 

Cash Out:  Weighted Chin Ups

Set 1:  Bodyweight Pull Ups for 8 reps as a warm up

Set 2:  Weighted Version, 10 reps with a 25 pound plate

Set 3:  8 reps using a 35 pound plate

Set 4:  6 reps using a 45 pound plate

Set 5:  3 reps with 80 pounds

Set 6: 10 reps at 35 pounds! 

45 total reps. 

“The most effective and efficient way to build a great back is by becoming a beast on weighted chins. Get strong on weighted chin ups and you will build incredible, real-world strength and your back and arms will look godlike”.  - Kinobody

Monday, April 25, 2022

EDT - Chest & Back....

PR One - 15 Minutes:

Reverse Push Ups -95 reps 

Headbanger Pull Ups  - 95 reps 

AVG HR - 130 BPM

MAX HR - 151 BPM

 minute rest 

PR Two - 5 Minutes:

Gironda Dips - 43

LeverEdgr High Row - 70lbs - 43

AVG HR - 129 BPM

MAX HR - 151 BPM

276 total reps in 20 minutes. 

Cash Out:

Max Rep Pull Ups @ 75lbs. - got 5 then 6! 

Sunday, April 24, 2022

100 Hang Power Snatches @ 75lbs

AVH HR - 132 BPM

MAX HR - 159 BPM

Saturday, April 23, 2022

40-pound bar shoulder workout...

*AMRAP in each movement. Rest 90 seconds then do it again! 

Bent-Over Rows - 50/45

Overhead Press - 35/30

Upright Rows - 25/25

110/100 -210 reps with 40lb EZ Bar 

The pump is real on that one! The upright rows were brutal! 

Cash Out:

Overhead Plate Raise - 3x8 @ 25lbs

Upright Row - 2x20 @ 45lb Bar 

Banded Face Pull - 3x8

Overhead Cable Raises - 3x8 @ 50lbs

AVG HR - 120 BPM

MAX HR - 142 BPM

Friday, April 22, 2022

Thursday, April 21, 2022

EDT - Arms...

PR One - 15 Minutes:

PJR Pullover - 40lbs - 88 Reps

Chin Ups - 88 Reps

5 minute rest

PR Two - 5 Minutes:

EZ Bar Curls - 50lbs - 45 Reps 

Dips - 45 is Reps 

Cash Out: 

Pelican Curls

Tuck Planche Push Ups

Front Lever Pull Ups

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

EDT - Chest & Back....

PR One - 15 Minutes:

Reverse LeverEdge Bench Press - 140lbs - 105r Reps 

Strict Pull Ups -  105 reps 

AVG HR - 122 BPM

MAX HR - 139 BPM

 minute rest 

PR Two - 5 Minutes:

Incline DB Press - 45lbs.- 35 reps 

Barbell High Pull - 75lbs - 35 reps 

AVG HR - 136 BPM

MAX HR - 158 BPM

280 total reps in 20 minutes. 

Cash Out:

100lbs Pull Up x1

125lbs Pull Up Static Hold - 3 seconds 

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Snatch Grip DL Pyramid..

135lbs: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

100 reps 

Cash Out: 

Hang Power Snatch

95lbs: 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 

25 reps 

AVG HR - 127 BPM

MAX HR - 151 BPM

Monday, April 18, 2022

EDT - Shoulders/Traps...

PR One - 15 Minutes:

Klokov Press - 75lbs - 100 reps

Barbell Upright Row - 75lbs - 100 Reps

3 minute rest

OTM - 5 

10 Hang Power Cleans - 75lbs - 50 Reps 

AVG HR - 126 BPM

MAX HR - 152 BPM

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Gymnastics Gone Bad….


2 Strict Chest-to-Bar Chin Ups

2 Strict Straight Bar Dips

41 rounds total. 

82 strict Chin Ups

82 strict bar dips 

It’s only 2 reps per movement. How hard can it be? That was terrible! 

Saturday, April 16, 2022

"Heavy Lynne''...

5 Rounds For Max Reps

Football Bar Press - 177lbs*

Strict Pull-ups - plus 20lbs

Bench Press - 14-12-10-8-6 l/ 50 reps @ 177lbs 

Pull up - 14-12-10-8-6/ 50 reps @ 20lbs 

Cash Out:

Close Grip Pulldown - 2x12 @ 120lbs

Incline Bench - 2x12 @ 115lbs

Strict Slow Muscle Ups - 3 reps 

Friday, April 15, 2022

Snatch Grip Deadlifts & OHS…

Snatch Grip Deadlift - 10z5 @ 185lbs

Cash Out:

Snatch Grip Deadlift 











AVG HR - 122

MAX HR - 141

Thursday, April 14, 2022


21-15-9 Reps for Time

Deficit Strict Handstand Push-Ups 


Strict Presses (110lbs)

“Hercules Complex” was first mentioned in a workout performed by former champion Olympic lifter, Dmitry Klokov, on his YouTube channel on August 18, 2014.

Probably the hardest shoulder workout I’ve ever done. I was down to singles on the HAPUs after round one! 

AVG HR - 128!-BPM

MAX HR -  152 BPM

Wednesday, April 13, 2022



Ring Dips 

Reverse Barbell Bent Over Row (155lbs) 

Cash Out:

5 strict wide-grip pull-ups *

Rest 10 seconds

Max-effort strict pullups with 2 second eccentric

Rest 10 seconds

Max-effort ring dips 


*RX is 4  round AFAP with a 3 minute rest in between. 

AVG HR - 124 BPM

MAX HR - 152 BPM

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

DPT - Chest/Back...

50-40-30-20-10/10-20-30-40-50 reps of:

DB Reverse BP @ 30-35-40-45-50

LeverEdge High Row - 160-140-130-100-80

Alternate movements. Start with 50 reps of

Bench Press, then move to 10 Rows, then 40 Bench Presses and 20 Rows, and so on.

Cash Out: Front Lever Pull Up

ABG HR - 128 BPM

MAX HR - 150 BPM

PM - Garage

8x3 of:

Reverse Bench Press @ 157lbs

Cannonball Pull Ups

Monday, April 11, 2022

Kettlebell Thrusters…

Cash Out - 10 stone shoulders @ 95lbs

AVG HR - 128 BPM

MAX HE - 159 BPM

“The kettlebell thruster is a combination exercise that uses over 600 muscles in the body.

The kettlebell squat is already a huge multi-jointed exercise that requires muscle activation from the legs, hips, core and back.

Once you add the overhead press to the movement then you gain additional muscle activation from the shoulders, arms, upper back and even the chest.

Due to the large amount of muscle activation the thruster becomes very cardiovascular too. The more muscles used during an exercise the more oxygen is required to power the movement.

Driving a kettlebell overhead also requires additional work from the heart in order to pump the blood up and into the top hand.

So the kb thruster is not only a full body muscle conditioning exercise but also great for your cardio as well as being a big calorie burner”. - Kettlebeleworkouts.Com 

Sunday, April 10, 2022


Seated BTN Press - 5x8 @ 95lbs
Overhead Raise - 5x8 @ 50lbs
Plate Lateral Raise - 5x8 @ 35lbs

Framers Walk 
2x10M @ 405kbs
4x10M @ 315lbs

Saturday, April 9, 2022

DPT - Arms…

5-40-30-20-10/10-20-30-40-50 reps of:

Curls 45-55-65-75-85

Football Bar CGBP - 156-136-117-96-76

Alternate movements. Start with 50 reps of

Barbell Curls, then move to 10 CGBP, then 40 Barbell Curls and 20 CGBP, and so on.

Cash Out:

Rope Hammer Curls - 3x8 @ 120lbs

TRX Extensions - 3x8

*Valor Bar - 26lbs

Cash Out - Cannonball Chin Ups - 3x5 

AVG HR - 125 BPM

MAX HR - 147 BMP

Friday, April 8, 2022

DPT - Chest/Back...

50-40-30-20-10/10-20-30-40-50 reps of:

DB Incline BP @ 35-40-45-50-55

Yates Row @ 110-100-90-80-70

Alternate movements. Start with 50 reps of

Bench Press, then move to 10 Yates Rows, then 40 Bench Presses and 20 Yates Rows, and so on.

Cash Out:

LeverEdge High Row - 3x8 @ 90lbs

Red Band Push Ups - 3x15

Bar Muscle Ups - 7

Typewriter Pull Ups - 2x3

ABG HR - 125 BPM

MAX HR - 148 BPM

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Farmers Walks…

Farmers Walks - 20 x 40M @ 222lbs (110 lbs each) - 1200M   total. 

My grip is the limiting factor. 

“Weighted carries have been shown to have a positive impact on metabolic rate. Due to the full body muscular activation of the yoke walk the energy demand on the body is much higher. You can see increases in resting metabolic rate throughout a workout and some times after doing walks, which can have a positive effect on overall body composition”. - Barrbemd

AVG HR - 127 BPM

MAX HR - 149 BPM

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

DTP - Shoulders (The Dramatic Transformation Principle)

50-40-30-20-10/10-20-30-40-50 reps of:

DB Military Press: @ 20-25-30-35-40lbs

Upright Row: @ 110-100-90-80-70lbs


300 Reps on under 19 minutes is no joke! 

Alternate movements. Start with 50 reps of

Military Presses, then move to 10 Upright Rows, then 40 Presses and 20 Upright Rows,

and so on.

"For our first move, we’ll be performing dumbbell military presses. On this move you’ll want to push the dumbbell like if you’re pushing it through the roof and lock it out. Dumbbell military presses will work our anterior and lateral heads of our deltoids. We’ll follow this up with upright rows which will work our rear delts and to a lesser degree our traps. I like using cables for this movement because you get a good contraction all the way up and all the way down. Use the full range of motion for this exercise and make sure you keep your elbows up. We really want to isolate the target muscle". -

Cash Out: 

Bent-over Upright Row - 5x8 @ 70lbs

Plyo Push Ups

AVG HR - 121 BPM

MAX HR - 148 BPM

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

DPT - Arms…

50-40-30-20-10/10-20-30-40-50 reps of:

Curls (40)

Parallel Dips 

Alternate movements. Start with 50 reps of

Barbell Curls, then move to 10 Dips, then 40 Barbell Curls and 20 Dips, and so on.

Cash Out:

Rope Hammer Curls - 3x8 @ 120lbs

TRX Extensions - 3x8

AVG HR - 117 BPM

MAX HR - 145 BPM

Monday, April 4, 2022

DPT - Chest/Back...

50-40-30-20-10/10-20-30-40-50 reps of:

L-Edge Reverse BP @ 140-150-160-170-180

Reverse T-Bar Row @ 110-100-90-80-70


Alternate movements. Start with 50 reps of

Bench Press, then move to 10 Rows, then 40 Bench Presses and 20 Rows, and so on.

Cash Out:

One-arm Cable Horizontal Row - 3x8 @ 90lbs

Low-to-High Fly - 3x8 @ 50lbs

Two-count Headbanger Chin Ups 

AVG HR - 122 BPM

MAX HR - 144 BPM

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Trap Bar Deadlifts - Low Bar…

Yoke Carries - 10x30M @ 185lbs

Trap Bar Deadlifts - 25x1 @ 335lbs*

*Did set of 5 from a dead stop. 

Cash Out: 10x10M Sprints 

Saturday, April 2, 2022

DPT - Shoulders…

50-40-30-20-10/10-20-30-40-50 reps of:

Klokov Press: 30-40-50-60-70lbs

Overhead Raise:  70-60-50-40-30lbs

Cash Out. 

Delt Sweeps - 3x8 @ 25lbs* 

Ring HSPUs

Sledgehammer PUs - Various

AVG HR - 124 BPM

MAX HR - 147 BPM

Friday, April 1, 2022

"Cindy Bro Style"...

Ten Rounds - NOT for Time:

5 Reverse Pendlay Rows (95)

10 Strict Curls (65)

15 CG Push Ups

Cash Out: 

Barbell Curls - 25 reps @ 45lbs

Free Range Curls - 3x8 @ 50lbs

AVG HR - 128 BPM

MAX HR - 159 BPM