Tuesday, April 26, 2022

EDT - Arms...

PR One - 15 Minutes:

EZ Bar Curls - 50lbs -  135 reps 

Dips -135 reps 

5 minute rest

PR Two - 5 Minutes:

Axle Bar Curls - 85lbs - 30 reps 

LeverEdge CG Press - 120lbs - 30 reps 

330 reps in 20 minutes! 

Cash Out:  Weighted Chin Ups

Set 1:  Bodyweight Pull Ups for 8 reps as a warm up

Set 2:  Weighted Version, 10 reps with a 25 pound plate

Set 3:  8 reps using a 35 pound plate

Set 4:  6 reps using a 45 pound plate

Set 5:  3 reps with 80 pounds

Set 6: 10 reps at 35 pounds! 

45 total reps. 

“The most effective and efficient way to build a great back is by becoming a beast on weighted chins. Get strong on weighted chin ups and you will build incredible, real-world strength and your back and arms will look godlike”.  - Kinobody

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