Saturday, November 26, 2022

Shoulders & Traps - 8x8...

Strict Military Press - 8x8 @ 75lbs

RopeUpright Row - 8x8 @ 70lbs


DB Speed Press  - 5x8 @ 30lbs

Cable X Raise- 5x7 @ 30lbs


“The Klokov press is a special behind the neck variation where you are using a wide-grip (snatch-grip) instead. 

The wide-grip will decrease the engagement of triceps and increase the muscle activity of middle deltoids and trapezius muscles.

Klokov press is almost completely lateral deltoids and traps, which makes it a superb compound exercise to make your middle delts and traps grow in strength and size very nicely”. - Vahva Fitness 

Cash Out:  

Dynamic Front Lever 

Delt Sweeps - 35lbs

Dips - 2 reps @ 155lbs

AVG HR - 129 BPM

MAX HR - 154 BPM

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