Thursday, December 1, 2022

DTP - Shoulders (The Dramatic Transformation Principle)

50-40-30-20-10/10-20-30-40-50 reps of:

LeverEdge Military Press: @ 70-80-90-100-110

Upright Row: @ 110-100-90-80-70lbs


300 Reps on under 20 minutes is no joke! 

Alternate movements. Start with 50 reps of

Military Presses, then move to 10 Upright Rows, then 40 Presses and 20 Upright Rows,

and so on.

"For our first move, we’ll be performing military presses. On this move you’ll want to push like if you’re pushing it through the roof and lock it out. Military presses will work our anterior and lateral heads of our deltoids. We’ll follow this up with upright rows which will work our rear delts and to a lesser degree our traps. I like using cables for this movement because you get a good contraction all the way up and all the way down. Use the full range of motion for this exercise and make sure you keep your elbows up. We really want to isolate the target muscle". -

Cash Out:  Bench Climb Around

AVG HR - 127 BPM

MAX HR - 150 BPM

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