Sunday, February 26, 2023

Shoulders & Traps - Kettlebells…

KB See-Saw Press - 8x8 @ 35lbs*

KB Iron Cross - 8x8 @ 35lbs*


Kettlebell Iron Cross (reverse lateral raise)

  • bring the weights above your head
  • guide them close past your body and push them up above your head as in the Shoulder Press
  • the arms are almost stretched out completely
  • the palms point forwards
  • brace the body
  • let the weights sink down in a wide bow very slowly, until they are parallel to the ground
  • the palms point down then
  • afterwards, guide the weights back up again with almost fully stretched out arms

Cash Out: Strict KB High Pull - 3x5 @ 35lbs

AVG HR - 140 BPM 

MAX HR - 165 BPM

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