Sunday, March 12, 2023

50 Reps - Shoulders…

DB Military Press - 20lbs

Bent-over Laterals - 20lbs

Military Press - 50-50-50

Bent-over Laterals - 25-25-25

“Ultra high-rep work (50 reps and up) requires a tremendous amount of intestinal fortitude and mental strength to lock yourself into that set and see the whole thing through. And this type of brutality works great as a finisher.

High reps create quite the pump. And bodybuilders have been using the pump for a long time. It's not just a fleeting cosmetic effect, it's a tool for muscle growth.

Metabolic stress, due to an increase in cellular swelling and potential for additional motor unit recruitment (through metabolic acidosis), can be a driver for muscle growth. Metabolic stress may increase growth hormone as well through the increased lactate response. High-rep work, done properly, is the driver for metabolite accumulation”. - T Nation

Cash Out: Slight Bent-over DB Upright Row - 5x10 @ 20lbs

AVG HR - 125 BPM

MAX HR - 162 BPM

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