Friday, March 17, 2023

Mutt Bar - Shoulders…

5 sets of 10 of:

Mutt Bar Bradford Press: 44lbs

Mutt Bar Overhead Raise: 44lbs


Cash Out: Kettlebell 8 Press - 5x5 @ 35lbs

“Holding a kettlebell, press it out away from your torso until arms are parallel to the floor, with hands and elbows at shoulder level. Use your shoulder strength to draw a figure 8 with the kettlebell, then return to the start position”. - AthleanX 

AVG HR - 124 BPM

MAX HR - 159 BPM

The Bradford Press: "Begin with a standard front or clean grip position with the bar just above your upper chest. Press up like you would for a military press. But once the bar clears the top of your head you need to bring it behind your neck until it comes in line with your ears. And from there you press it back up and return to the front position. There’s no lock out at the top of the movement, and practically all of the work is done by your deltoids and upper trapezius rather than pressing the whole way up by using your triceps. That’s one rep. When you perform a standard shoulder press you find that you ‘lose’ tension at the top of the movement as the triceps extend to drive the weight upwards and take over.

But with a Bradford press you never give your delts any respite. They never get a chance to rest at the top of the movement. By minimizing intra-set recovery and momentum, you can place a huge stimulus on your shoulders through every rep and every set. Continuous tension helps you build muscle, even with lighter loads. When the muscle is in a constant state of contraction it suffers from a reduction in blood flow and therefore oxygen (this is called a hypoxic state)". - SpotMeBro.Com

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