Sunday, April 30, 2023

Shoulders & Traps - Kettlebells…

KB See-Saw Press - 8x8 @ 35lbs*

KB Iron Cross - 8x8 @ 35lbs*


Kettlebell Iron Cross (reverse lateral raise)

  • bring the weights above your head
  • guide them close past your body and push them up above your head as in the Shoulder Press
  • the arms are almost stretched out completely
  • the palms point forwards
  • brace the body
  • let the weights sink down in a wide bow very slowly, until they are parallel to the ground
  • the palms point down then
  • afterwards, guide the weights back up again with almost fully stretched out arms

Cash Out: Blue Band Press/Iron Cross

AVG HR - 122 BPM 

MAX HR - 153 BPM

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Mutt Bar- Arms...

3 Rounds - 30 reps each round

Mutt Bar Curls - 33lbs - 8 Wide, 8 Closer, 8 Hammer Grip & 6 Wide 

Mutt Bar Extensions - 33lbs - Hammer Grip 

30 reps each round. 180 total reps

3-0-1 tempo. 

Cash Out: 

Isometric Static Flex

Roof Sternum Chin Ups - 5x5

Blue Band Curls/Static Hold

AVG HR - 119 BPM

MAX HR - 146 BPM

Friday, April 28, 2023

Chest & Back…

Five sets of ten:

Bear Push Up 

Roof-to-Chest Pull Up

50 of each.

Quick and painful! 

AVG HR - 132 BPM

MAX HR - 155 BPM

Thursday, April 27, 2023

DB Romanian Deadlifts…

DB Romanian Deadlift - 10x5 @ 150lbs (75lb DBs)

@ Planet Fitness Clifton Park

AVG HR - 126 BPM

MAX HR - 153 BPM

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Shoulders 6-12-25…

A1. 6 reps: Standing DB Press (50)

Rest 10 seconds 

A2. 12 reps: Slightly Bent-Over DB Upright Row (25)

Rest 10 seconds

A3. 25 reps: Life Fitness Shoulder Press (50)

Rest 1-2 minutes before next set. 

Repeat 2 times

Cash Out:

Delt Sweeps - 5x5 @ 25lbs 

Banded Fade Pulls - 8x8 (thin blue)

AVG HR - 110 BPM

KAX HR -  133 BPM

@ Planet Fitness - Clifton Park. Drove 700 miles in two days. Was exhausted. Happy to get something done. 

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Rest Day…

Drove 275 miles last night and 275 today. I am cooked. 

Monday, April 24, 2023

Arms: 6-12-25…


A1. Banded Dips: 6 reps. (Orange) Rest 10 seconds. 

A2.  OH Triceps Extensions (50). 12 reps. Rest 10 seconds. 

A3. Banded Pushdowns: (Orange). 25 Reps 


A1. Ez Bar Curl (90): 6 reps. Rest 10 seconds. 

A2. Supinated Grip Inverted Row: 12 rest. Rest 10 seconds. 

A3. Banded Curl: 25 rest (Orange)

Rest 3-4 minutes and start over. 

Repeat 3 more times.

Cash Out:

Banded Dips/Curls - 2x15 of each (Red)

Blue Band Curls - 3x5

AVG HR - 122 BPM

KAX HR - 148 BPM

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Chest & Back - 6-12-25…

Three Rounds of :


  • Incline DB Press x 6 reps (75)
  • Reverse LeverEdge Press x 12 reps (200)
  • Low-to-High Fly x 25 reps (30)


  • Incline Seal Row x 6 reps (75)
  • Horizontal Row x 12 reps (150)
  • Banded Strait Arm Pulldown  x 25 reps (Orange)

Cash Out: 

Banded Push Ups - 5x5 @ Blue (32lb chains)

Banded Wide Grip Pull-ups - 5x5 @ Band 

Weighted Pull Ups - 4 reps @ 75lbs! 

AVG HR - 125 BPM

MAX HR - 147 BPM

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Hip Thrusts & Broad Jumps…

Hip Thrusts - 10x10 @ 180lbs

Then, 270x3, 360x3, 450x1x2

*3 Broad Jumps after each set 

“Do. Different. Shit”. 

AVG HR - 118 BPM

MAX HR - 144 BPM

“Jumps boost muscle fiber recruitment. They can recruit dormant muscle fibers, increase neural drive, and improve the efficiency of your nervous system. This allows you to activate and train more muscle during your workouts for faster strength gains. And when you activate more muscle fibers, you increase the number of muscle fibers you can fatigue to maximize muscle growth.

Broad jumps are king when it comes to developing explosive horizontal power, faster sprints, and longer jumps. They also develop a more powerful deadlift. Focus on jumping both up and out on broad jumps to reduce shear stress on the knees”. - T Nation

Friday, April 21, 2023

Rest Day…

Foxwoods for work. 

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Rest Day…

Foxwoods for work. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Shoulders 6-12-25…

A1. 6 reps: Kettlebell Iron Cross – (35)

Rest 10 seconds

A2. 12 reps: Standing Kettlebell Presses (35)

Rest 10 seconds

A3. 25 reps: Snatch Grip High Pull (45)

Rest 1-2 minutes before next set. 

Repeat 2 times

“The high pull hits your mid-back, rhomboids, and rear delts. And nothing will build boulder traps like high pulls! Using a wide snatch grip on the bar, yank the bar up and keep it close to your body. Your elbows should be higher than the bar and aimed 45 degrees back. Lift the bar toward your neck. To do so, use a powerful posterior chain pull to create a lot of momentum at the start of the movement. Once the lower back is approaching full extension, aggressively pull the bar toward your neck – up and towards you – keeping the elbows higher than the bar”.  T Nation

Cash Out: GTO - 3x5 @ 55lbs

AVG HR - 116 BPM

KAX HR -  149 BPM

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Arms: 6-12-25





Flying Pull Ups - 5x5 @ Blue Band





Rest 3-4 minutes and start over. Repeat 2-3 more times.

Note the band exercise for the third lift. The variable resistance of a band (tension increases through the ROM instead of being constant) is a better fit when we consider the fatigue that's already been set in motion from the first two exercises.

Using a band variation will account for the high level of fatigue and make the final exercise more realistic. Bands are also a great fit for high-volume exercises.

AVG HR - 124 BPM

KAX HR - 154 BPM

Monday, April 17, 2023

Chest & Back - 6-12-25…

Two Rounds of :


  • Reverse KB Press x 6 reps (53)
  • Power Fly x 12 reps (35)
  • Swiss Bar Press x 25 reps (76)*


  • Pendlay Row x 6 reps (53)
  • Bent-Over KB Row x 12 reps (35)
  • Swiss Bar Rows x 25 reps (56)*

Cash Out: 

Alternating Kettlebell Rows - 5x5 @ 97lbs

Swiss Bar Rows - 3x5 @ 136lbs

*Valor Swiss Bar - 26lbs

AVG HR - 128 BPM

MAX HR - 154 BPM

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Trap Bar Deadlifts & Yoke Carries…

Trap Bar Deadlifts (High Bar)





510x1 (lost grip at top). 

Yoke Carries - 10x30M @ 185lbs

Russian KB Swings - 5x5 @ 106lbs

AVG HR - 121 BPM

MAX HR - 148 BPM

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Shoulders 6-12-25…

A1. 6 reps: Standing Military Press (55)

Rest 10 seconds 

A2. 12 reps: Seated Dumbbell Presses (30)

Rest 10 seconds

A3. 25 reps: Prone Dumbbell Lateral Raises on 45 Degree Incline Bench (12)

Rest 1-2 minutes before next set.  Repeat 2 times

Cash Out:

Delt Sweeps/OH Plate Raise Combo - 5x5 @ 45lbs

Banded Face Pulls - 10x8 (Red)

AVG HR - 121 BPM

KAX HR -  155 BPM

Friday, April 14, 2023

Arms: 6-12-25…









Rest 3-4 minutes and start over. Repeat 2-3 more times.

Note the band exercise for the third lift. The variable resistance of a band (tension increases through the ROM instead of being constant) is a better fit when we consider the fatigue that's already been set in motion from the first two exercises.

Using a band variation will account for the high level of fatigue and make the final exercise more realistic. Bands are also a great fit for high-volume exercises.

Cash Out:

Around the world pull ups - 4x2

Isometric static flex 


KAX HR - 158 BPM

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Chest & Back - 6-12-25…

Two Rounds of :


  • Incline DB Press x 6 reps (75)
  • Reverse LeverEdge Press x 12 reps (200)
  • Low-to-High Fly x 25 reps (30)


  • Incline Seal Row x 6 reps (75)
  • Horizontal Row x 12 reps (150)
  • Banded Strait Arm Pulldown  x 25 reps (Orange)

Cash Out: 

Wide Grip Push Up (treadmill) - 3x6

Headbanger Pull Ups - 3x8

AVG HR - 126 BPM

MAX HR - 152 BPM

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Kettlebell Romanian Deadlift…

6x10 @ 203lbs

“The Kettlebell Romanian Deadlift - often simply called a kettlebell RDL - is a hip-hinge exercise that primarily targets your hamstrings. 

While traditional deadlifts will use your quad muscles as well as your posterior chain, add kettlebell Romanian deadlifts to your workouts when you want to really focus on strengthening your glutes and hamstring muscles. Expect to feel a strong stretch throughout your hamstring when performing this exercise”. - Sweat

AVG HR - 119 BPM

MAX HR - 141 BPM

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Rest Day…

Driving from Jacksonville  to Hopkinton.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Rest day…

Drove to Jacksonville from LHP. Headed back to MA. 

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Mutt Bar - Shoulders…

5 Rounds For Max Reps…

MB Klokov Press - 33lbs

MB Slightly Bent-over Upright Row - 33lbs

30-30-30-30-30 reps each. 300 total reps

Cash Out:

Mutt Bar OH Raise - 5x10 @ 33lbs

AVG HR - 117 BPM

MAX HR - 144 BPM

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Arms - 6-12-25…

Three Rounds of :


  • DB Hammer Curls x 6 reps (20)
  • DB Zottman Curls x 12 reps (20)
  • Mutt Bar Curls x 25 reps (33)


  • CG Kettlebell Press x 6 reps (70)
  • Skull Crusher x 12 reps (35)
  • Mutt Bar OH Extensions x 25 reps (33)

Cash Out:

Static Curl Hold - 35lbs

L-Sit Chin Up - 3x5

AVG HR - 119 BPM

MAX HR - 140 BPM

Friday, April 7, 2023

Chest & Back - 6-12-25…

Three Rounds of :


  • Reverse Floor Press x 6 reps (53)
  • Floor Power Fly x12 reps (53)
  • Banded Fly x 25 reps (Blue)


  • Pendlay Row x 6 reps (53)
  • Banded Horizontal Row x 12 reps (Blue)
  • Banded Face Pulls x 25 reps (Blue)

Cash Out: Alternating Kettlebell Rows - 5x5 @ 53lbs

AVG HR - 124 BPM

MAX HR - 153 BPM

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Rest Day…

Forcing myself to rest. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Legs - 6-12-25…

  • One Leg Romanian Deadlifts x 6 reps (70) 
  • Russian Swings x 12 reps (70)
  • Sumo Deadlift x 25 reps (70) 

Weight/load selection is important for this rep scheme. To execute this strategy you need to select a load that will challenge you to get 6 reps with good form at a 40X0 tempo (lowering phase is 4 seconds, no pause, raising phase quickly as possible, no pause, repeat). Take that load and cut it in half. Use this new load to perform 12 reps of the same movement with as little rest as possible at a 20X0 tempo. After that set it complete, cut the load that you did for 12 reps in half once again and with as little rest as possible attempt to finish 25 reps with it at a 10X0 tempo. If you find that halving the weight makes the set too easy, jump up to 55% to 60% of the previous load instead of 50%. These sets should be HARD to finish.

AVG HR - 122 BPM

MAX HR - 146 BPM

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Shoulders: 6-12-25…

Three sets of:

Kettlebell Iron Cross x 6 reps (35)

Kettlebell Military Press x 12 reps (35)

Banded Upright Row x 25 rep (Blue)

By breaking these sets in to 6-12-25 reps you max out your potential in short order. The first exercise at 6 reps is the strength phase. The second exercise at 12 reps is the hypertrophy phase. And the third exercise at 25 reps is the endurance phase. It incredibly important to pick your weights carefully to max out every exercise to get the most out of this workout.

Weight/load selection is important for this rep scheme. To execute this strategy you need to select a load that will challenge you to get 6 reps with good form at a 40X0 tempo (lowering phase is 4 seconds, no pause, raising phase quickly as possible, no pause, repeat). Take that load and cut it in half. Use this new load to perform 12 reps of the same movement with as little rest as possible at a 20X0 tempo. After that set it complete, cut the load that you did for 12 reps in half once again and with as little rest as possible attempt to finish 25 reps with it at a 10X0 tempo. If you find that halving the weight makes the set too easy, jump up to 55% to 60% of the previous load instead of 50%. These sets should be HARD to finish.

AVG HR - 122 BPM

MAX HR - 152 BPM

Monday, April 3, 2023

Arms - 6-12-25…

Three Rounds of :


  • Kettlebell Curls x 6 reps (53)
  • Banded Reverse Curls x 12 reps (Blue)
  • Banded Curls x 25 reps (Blue)


  • CG Kettlebell Press x 6 reps (53)
  • Skull Crusher x 12 reps (35)
  • Banded Pushdowns x 25 reps (Blue)

By breaking these sets in to 6-12-25 reps you max out your potential in short order. The first exercise at 6 reps is the strength phase. The second exercise at 12 reps is the hypertrophy phase. And the third exercise at 25 reps is the endurance phase. It incredibly important to pick your weights carefully to max out every exercise to get the most out of this workout.

Weight/load selection is important for this rep scheme. To execute this strategy you need to select a load that will challenge you to get 6 reps with good form at a 40X0 tempo (lowering phase is 4 seconds, no pause, raising phase quickly as possible, no pause, repeat). Take that load and cut it in half. Use this new load to perform 12 reps of the same movement with as little rest as possible at a 20X0 tempo. After that set it complete, cut the load that you did for 12 reps in half once again and with as little rest as possible attempt to finish 25 reps with it at a 10X0 tempo. If you find that halving the weight makes the set too easy, jump up to 55% to 60% of the previous load instead of 50%. These sets should be HARD to finish.


Cash Out: Static Curl Hold - 28 seconds @ 35lbs

“Static holds are the unused key to gaining muscle and strength. Pulling or pressing against an immovable object, or even resisting a load over extended duration are great ways of triggering large amounts of mechanical tension and metabolic stress. They’re brutal, they’re hard. But hell will they result in muscle growth”. 

Try adding some isometrics into your training. You’ll be happy you did! 

AVG HR - -113 BPM

MAX HR - 138 BPM

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Chest & Back - 6-12-25…

Two Rounds of :


  • Reverse Floor Press x 6 reps (53)
  • Floor Power Fly x12 reps (53)
  • Push Ups x 25 reps (BW)


  • Pendlay Row x 6 reps (70)
  • Inverted Row x 12 reps (BW)
  • Face Pulls x 25 reps (BW)

By breaking these sets in to 6-12-25 reps you max out your potential in short order. The first exercise at 6 reps is the strength phase. The second exercise at 12 reps is the hypertrophy phase. And the third exercise at 25 reps is the endurance phase. It incredibly important to pick your weights carefully to max out every exercise to get the most out of this workout.

Weight/load selection is important for this rep scheme. To execute this strategy you need to select a load that will challenge you to get 6 reps with good form at a 40X0 tempo (lowering phase is 4 seconds, no pause, raising phase quickly as possible, no pause, repeat). Take that load and cut it in half. Use this new load to perform 12 reps of the same movement with as little rest as possible at a 20X0 tempo. After that set it complete, cut the load that you did for 12 reps in half once again and with as little rest as possible attempt to finish 25 reps with it at a 10X0 tempo. If you find that halving the weight makes the set too easy, jump up to 55% to 60% of the previous load instead of 50%. These sets should be HARD to finish.


AVG HR - 121 BPM

MAX HR - 140 BPM

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Legs - 6-12-25…

  • Romanian Deadlifts x 6 reps (70) 
  • Russian Swings x 12 reps (53)
  • Sumo Deadlift x 25 reps (35)

Weight/load selection is important for this rep scheme. To execute this strategy you need to select a load that will challenge you to get 6 reps with good form at a 40X0 tempo (lowering phase is 4 seconds, no pause, raising phase quickly as possible, no pause, repeat). Take that load and cut it in half. Use this new load to perform 12 reps of the same movement with as little rest as possible at a 20X0 tempo. After that set it complete, cut the load that you did for 12 reps in half once again and with as little rest as possible attempt to finish 25 reps with it at a 10X0 tempo. If you find that halving the weight makes the set too easy, jump up to 55% to 60% of the previous load instead of 50% (1). These sets should be HARD to finish.

AVG HR - 130 BPM

MAX HR - 149 BPM