Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Legs - 6-12-25…

  • One Leg Romanian Deadlifts x 6 reps (70) 
  • Russian Swings x 12 reps (70)
  • Sumo Deadlift x 25 reps (70) 

Weight/load selection is important for this rep scheme. To execute this strategy you need to select a load that will challenge you to get 6 reps with good form at a 40X0 tempo (lowering phase is 4 seconds, no pause, raising phase quickly as possible, no pause, repeat). Take that load and cut it in half. Use this new load to perform 12 reps of the same movement with as little rest as possible at a 20X0 tempo. After that set it complete, cut the load that you did for 12 reps in half once again and with as little rest as possible attempt to finish 25 reps with it at a 10X0 tempo. If you find that halving the weight makes the set too easy, jump up to 55% to 60% of the previous load instead of 50%. These sets should be HARD to finish.

AVG HR - 122 BPM

MAX HR - 146 BPM

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