Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Muttbar - Arms…

Mutt Bar DB Zottman Curls - 2x16 @ 20lbs

Mutt Bar DB Triceps Extensions - 2x16 @ 20lbs

Mutt Bar Curls - 4x16 @ 44lbs

Mutt Bar Triceps Extensions - 4x16 @ 44lbs

Cash out: ISO Dynamic Contrast Biceps Curls…

Kettlebell Curl / Isometric Curl Hold / Kettlebell Curl - 3x 5 reps / 10 second hold / 5 reps @ 35lbs 

“Static holds are the unused key to gaining muscle and strength. Pulling or pressing against an immovable object, or even resisting a load over extended duration are great ways of triggering large amounts of mechanical tension and metabolic stress. They’re brutal, they’re hard. But hell will they result in muscle growth”. 

AVG HR - 119 BPM

MAX HR - 161 BPM

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