Friday, September 22, 2023

“Kettlebell Mini - DTP” - Arms...

AFAP: 30-20-10/10-20-30 reps of:

Dumbbell Curls @ 20lbs

Close Grip Dumbbell Push Ups


Alternate movements. Start with 50 reps of

Curls, then move to 10 Push Ups, then 40 Curls and 20 Push Ups, and so on.

Cash Out:

Advanced Floor L-Sit - 2 reps 

32 seconds & 21 seconds. 53 seconds total. 

Advanced L-Sit: When performing an L-sit, most people round their shoulders and back. The advanced version requires you to keep your shoulder blades back and chest out, which is much harder.

AVG HR - 121 BPM

MAX HR - 140 BPM

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