Wednesday, November 15, 2023

"Shoulders - 50s”…

DB Military Press: 40lbs

DB Slightly Bent-over Upright Row: 40lbs

Press: 22-15-13

Upright Row: 22-15-13

Effective and painful! 

*rest as needed between sets and movements. Post reps for both exercises in all rounds. 

Pick a weight that you try to do for 50 total reps over the course of three working sets. Once you're able to get a total of 50 reps over 3 sets, add weight

Cash Out: 

DB Front Raise into  Rear Delt DB Raise - 3x5 @ 40lbs

The 6-Way Delt Raise - 2x5 @ 10lbs, 1x5 @ 15lbs, 1x5 @ 20lbs

“This exercise makes for a great finisher after a shoulder workout. It'll hit all three heads of the delts. The key here is continuous tension, one of the key mechanisms for muscle growth.

You won't need much weight for this one. We're going for time under tension and burn.

Perform a lateral raise, followed by bringing the dumbbells together in front, then a front raise from that mid-body position. Now reverse the movements. That's one rep. If you do it right, you'll never lose tension on the muscles”. - T Nation

AVG HR - 117 BPM

MAX HR - 152 BPM

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