Sunday, December 31, 2023

Rest Day….

Tweaked my back on the 175 Atlans Stone yesterday. Want for a 2 mile walks and sat in the sauna

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Trap Bar Deadlift - 3x3 (low)…

Trap Bar Deadlift - 3x3 @ 460lbs (88%)*

*Miscounted and got 4 on last set. 

Cash Out: Stood up the 175lb Atlas Stone. Need to get it on my shoulder. 

AVG HR - 116 BPM

MAX HR - 161 BPM

Friday, December 29, 2023

Shoulders & Traps - 4x16...

LeverEdge Press - 4x16 @ 90lbs

Bent-over Cable Laterals - 4x16 @ 30lbs

Incline Seal Rows - 4x16 @ 25lbs


Cash Out: Cable Shrugs - 4x16 @ 200lbs

Overhead Plate Raise - 2x16 @ 25lbs

AVG HR - 128 BPM

MAX HR - 151 BPM

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Arm Complex: Pull Up/Swiss Bar…

Two Sets of:

Swiss Bar Press - 128lbs

Close x8

Wider x8

Even Wider x8

Close x6

*Bar weighs 38lbs

Two Sets of:

Pull Ups x8

Close Grip Pull Ups x8

Wide Grip Chin Up x8

Hammer Grip Chin Up x6

60 Pull/Chin Ups & 60 CG Presses 

Cash Out: 

Rope Pushdowns - 3x8 @ 100lbs

Rope Hammer Curls - 3x8 @ 100l s

AVG HR - 121 BPM

MAX HR - 154 BPM

The Gymnast Pull-Up Routine

Here's how it works:

  • Do pronated (hands facing away from you), shoulder-width pull-ups. Stop 2-3 reps short of failure. Rest 10 seconds.
  • After the 10 seconds of rest, move your hands in (4-6 inches apart) and perform pronated, close-grip pull-ups. Again, stop a couple of reps shy of failure. Rest 10 seconds.
  • Now switch your hands into a supinated position (hands facing you) and use a shoulder-width grip. Stop just short of failure and rest 10 seconds.
  • Finally, move to the close-grip supinated position and perform reps to just short of failure.
  • Rest 3 minutes and do the whole cycle again.
  • After 4 weeks, perform the full cycle 3 times.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Gironda 6x6 - Chest/Back…

LeverEdge Reverse Press - 230lbs*

T Bar Row - 125lbs*


LeverEdge Reverse Press - 8x3 @ 270lbs

LeverEdge Row - 8x3 @ 270lbs (standing on bench) 

Cash Out: Close Grip PullDown - 3x2 @ 250lbs 

AVG HR -  124 BPM

AMX HR -  154 BPM 

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

6x6 Trap Bar Deadlift - Low Bar...

6x6 @ 410lbs*

*78.5% of my 1RM

AVG HR - 122 BPM

MAX HR - 148 BPM

Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas…

Merry Christmas from all the staff at KettlebellRob! 

Sunday, December 24, 2023

6x6 - Shoulders/Traps…

Victory Raise - Red Band & 10lb DBs

Seal Swings - 25lbs

*Super Set

Cash Out: 

Red Band Pull Aparts - 8x8

Smith Machine Bradford Press - 3x5 @ 35lb  plates 

AVG HR - 120 BPM

MAX HR - 160 BPM

Saturday, December 23, 2023

6x6 - Arms…

Seated Kettlebell Curls - 35lbs*

CGBP - 165lbs*


Cash Out: Trap Bar Rows - 6x6 @ 160* 

*1 second hold at the top. 

AVG HR - 114 BPM

MAX HR - 155 BPM

@ The Trails

Friday, December 22, 2023

Gironda 6x6 - Chest/Back…

Perform 6 sets of 6 reps with a moderate weight that you could do for 10 reps. What about the weight? Use approximately 70% of your 1RM for the particular exercise you're doing, NOT your 6-rep max”. - T Nation

DB Incline Press - 85lbs

Seal Row - 85lbs

Gray Band Push Ups - 3x6

Gray Band Row - 3x6

Lat Pulldowns - TWO reps with the whole stack! 250lbs. 

AVG HR - 131 BPM

MAX - HR - 171 BPM

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Trap Bar Deadlift - Low Bar…





500 - Success! 

First time pulling 500lbs in over six months! Screw Gravity! 

@ 155lbs

Cash Out: 10x10M Sprints 

AVG HR - 119 BPM

MAX HR - 140 BPM

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

6x6 - Shoulders/Traps…

Seated Military Press - 55lbs

Slight Bent-over DB Upright Row - 55lbs

*Super Set

Cable Upright Row - 6x6 @ 90lbs 

Cash Out: 

Delt Sweeps - 5x3 @ 45lbs

Red Band Face Pull

Orange Band Pull Apart 


AVG HR - 120 BPM

MAX HR - 160 BPM

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Rest Day…

Rest day today. In Oswego and Syracuse NY. My last travel day of the year then a 5 hour drive home. 

Monday, December 18, 2023

6x6 - Arms…

Seated Two-handed Kettlebell Curls - 70lbs

Kettlebell Skull Crushers - 35lbs


Swiss Bar Curls - 76lbs (switch grips) 

Swiss Bar Wide Press  - 146lbs

*Strait Sets

*Valor Swiss Bar - 26lbs

Cash Out: Seated Two-handed Kettlebell Curls - 3x3 @ 97lbs

AVG HR - 121 BPM

MAX HR - 162 BPM

@ The Trails

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Gironda 6x6 - Chest/Back…

“Perform 6 sets of 6 reps with a moderate weight that you could do for 10 reps. What about the weight? Use approximately 70% of your 1RM for the particular exercise you're doing, NOT your 6-rep max.

You must complete all six sets in as little time as possible, resting only 30 seconds between set”. - T Nation

DD Incline Press - 80lbs

Seal Row - 80lbs 

DB Incline Press - 3-2-3 reps @ 100lbs

Seal Row - 3 x 3 @ 100lbs

AVG HR - 124 BPM

MAX - HR - 159 BPM

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Trap Bar Deadlift (low bar)…

320 x 1

370 x 1 

410 x 1 

460 x 1 - 1 (two reps dead stop)

460 x 1 - 1 

460 x 1 - 1

Got 6 singles @ 460. 

“Dead-stop training forces you to get as tight as possible before starting the repetition. If not, you may fold under the weight and miss the lift completely. Instead of reacting to the load, you will be forced to develop maximal tension each time.

It’s often the most innocent-looking changes that make the most significant impact. Simply breaking up your lifting cadence and putting everything you have into dead-stop training can wildly impact your gains”. - 


AVG HR - 112 BPM

MAX HR - 122 BPM

Friday, December 15, 2023

6x6 - Shoulders/Traps…

DB Arnold Press - 50lbs

Slight Bent-over Dab Upright Row - 50lbs

*Super Set

Overhead Cable Raises - 60lbs 

Cash Out: Super Slow Pull Up - 3 x 30 seconds (15/15)

AVG HR - 115 BPM

MAX HR - 145 BPM

Thursday, December 14, 2023

6x6 - Arms…

Kettlebell Curls - 35lbs

Kettlebell Skull Crushers - 35lbs

Chin Ups - 35lbs

Dips. -35lbs

AVG HR - 124 BPM

MAX HR - 146 BPM

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Rest Day…

360 miles of driving today. Albany to Middletown to Hopkinton. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Gironda 6x6 - Chest/Back…

“Perform 6 sets of 6 reps with a moderate weight that you could do for 10 reps. What about the weight? Use approximately 70% of your 1RM for the particular exercise you're doing, NOT your 6-rep max.

You must complete all six sets in as little time as possible, resting only 30 seconds between set”. - T Nation

DD Incline Press - 75lbs

Seal Row - 75lbs 

Upper Clavicle Raise - 6x6 @ 35lbs

DB High Pull - 6x6 @ 35lbs

"The double kettlebell (dumbbell) high pull is an outstanding upper-back developer, punishing the trapezius, rhomboids, and rear delts". - Geoff Neupert 

AVG HR - 123 BPM

MAX - HR - 148 BPM

@ Planet Fitness Clifton Park