Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Gironda 6x6 - Chest/Back…

“Perform 6 sets of 6 reps with a moderate weight that you could do for 10 reps. What about the weight? Use approximately 70% of your 1RM for the particular exercise you're doing, NOT your 6-rep max.

You must complete all six sets in as little time as possible, resting only 30 seconds between set”. - T Nation

DD Incline Press - 75lbs

Seal Row - 75lbs 

Upper Clavicle Raise - 6x6 @ 35lbs

DB High Pull - 6x6 @ 35lbs

"The double kettlebell (dumbbell) high pull is an outstanding upper-back developer, punishing the trapezius, rhomboids, and rear delts". - Geoff Neupert 

AVG HR - 123 BPM

MAX - HR - 148 BPM

@ Planet Fitness Clifton Park

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