Sunday, January 21, 2024


Mutt Bar Triceps Extensions  - 7x15@ 44lbs*

Blue Band Curls - 7x15*

*Mutt Bar Reverse Curls - 4 reps in between each round @ 44lbs

Cash Out: 

L-Sit Chin Up - 3x5

ISO Flex

L-Sit Chin Up…

“The L pull-up has features of both the pull-up and the half lever. This movement really forces you to use the back to pull properly, and as the legs and core have to be held in a static position as well, it means that it is almost impossible to cheat on this exercise, as long as it is performed correctly. 

With L-sit pull-ups, your legs are raised in front of you which causes the center point of gravity to change. This shift in gravity makes this pull-up variation more difficult. In addition, holding your legs raised in front of your body creates an intense isometric contraction in your abdominals and prevents you from jerking to cheat”. - Bodybuilding Wizard 

AVG HR - 116 BPM

MAX HR - 145 BPM


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