Sunday, March 31, 2024

Hang Power Cleans & Sprint Repeats…

10x10 @ 75lbs - 100 reps

AVG HR - 123 BPM

MAX HR - 152 BPM

“While primarily a performance-based exercise, hang power cleans will get you absolutely jacked when coupled with higher rep work at the end of a workout.  

By hitting nearly 200 muscles in your body, it creates a massive anabolic surge to drive muscle growth.

They also fire up your central nervous system, which in turn, helps increase muscle fiber recruitment. This activates high threshold muscle fibers, most responsible for explosive movements and muscle growth, and stimulates a huge anabolic surge. 

Whether you want yoked traps to fill out your t-shirt or a powerful hip extension for a faster pull and stronger lockout, power cleans will help you develop a truly impressive physique”. - Roman Fitness Systems. 

Cash Out: Sprints - 7 x 10M  @ 85%

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Rest Day…

2.5 mile walk in Hopkinton State Park. 

Friday, March 29, 2024

Shoulders: 6-12-25…

Three sets of:

Kettlebell Iron Cross x 6 reps (35)

Mutt Bar SBO Upright Row x 12 reps (44)

Banded Shoulder Press x 25 rep (Blue)

*132 reps total. 

The 6-12-25 drop set rep scheme (43 total reps in the set) includes rep ranges that vary from relative strength, to hypertrophy, and finally to muscle endurance. Combining the three into one mega drop set with short rest periods make this one way to get out of a strength or hypertrophy rut. If you’re short on time but want to train, this strategy is a good way to get in and out of the gym quickly.

The program is very time efficient however be warned, quick does not mean easy and if your new to high intensity weight training you will experience muscle soreness.

AVG HR - 124 BPM

MAX HR - 146 BPM

Thursday, March 28, 2024


Mutt Bar Triceps Extensions  - 7x15@ 44lbs*

Blue Band Curls - 7x15*

Cash Out:

Mutt Bar Wide Curls - 3x8 @ 66lbs

Mutt Bar Extensions - 3x8 @ 66lbs

*Superset @ 15 second rest

Cash Out:

Static Isometric Curl

Roof L-Pull Ups 

AVG HR - 126 BPM

MAX HR - 156 BPM

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

“Power Floor Fly Lynne"…

Kettlebell Power Floor Fly: 53lbs*

Kettlebell Rows: 53lbs 

Fly: 15-15-15 reps 

Row: 15-15-15 reps 

*rest as needed between sets and movements. Post reps for both exercises in all rounds.

* “The power floor fly is basically a cross between a flye and a dumbbell bench press. The elbows stay at roughly a 90 degree angle. This is normally done on a flat or inclined bench.

With this floor version, the triceps should touch the floor but not the dumbbells. This makes the chest do more work without compromising shoulder health. Pause briefly at the bottom of each rep”. - T Nation

Cash Out: 

Dynamic Alternating KB Rows - 5 x 3/3 @ 70lbs

Low-to-High KB Fly - 5x3 @ 35lbs

AVG HR - 127 BPM

MAX HR - 152 BPM

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

2 Mile Power Walk - 20lb Vest…

Just wanted to move. 

Time was 27:36. That’s a 13:43 pace. 

Last time it took me  - 32:37. That’s a 16:19 pace. 

That’s  a PR of 5:01!

"Life is movement. Once you stop moving, you're dead. Choose life." - Eugen Sandow

AVG HR - 131 BPM

MAX HR - 159 BPM

Monday, March 25, 2024

Rest Day…

Flying to S. FLA. 

Sunday, March 24, 2024

6x6 - Shoulders/Traps…

Orange Band Press - 6x6

Red Band Lateral Raise - 6x6

LeverEdge Press  - 160lbs (80 each side)

LeverEdge Shrugs - 270lbs (135 each side) 

Cash Out: 

Planche Lean x 7 

Smith Machine Planche Push Ups x 7

AVG HR - 115 BPM

MAX HR - 153 BPM

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Arms - 6x6….

Blue Band Curl - 6x6

Blue Band Pushdown - 6x6


Elite Bar CG Bench Press - 6x6 @ 158lbs

Lat Pulldown Cable Curls - 6x6 @ 50lbs


*Elite Bar weighs 38lbs

The curl is done behind the neck and has a totally different feel than typical biceps movements. These were painful. That might’ve been the best contraction I’ve ever felt in my biceps. 

AVG HR - 122 BPM

MAX HR - 144 BPM

Friday, March 22, 2024

Gironda 6x6 - Chest/Back…

Reverse DB Press - 65lbs*

DB Seal Row - 65lbs*

*Rest as needed. 

Reverse Bench Press - 3x5 @ 155lbs

Reverse Barbell Row- 3x3 @ 213lbs

Cash Out: 

Machine Fly - 5x5 @ 120llbs

Flying Superman PushUps - 2x3

Rack Pull Ups - 5x5 

AVG HR - 120 BPM

MAX - HR - 148 BPM

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Rest Day…

Headed to the Albany Area for the day. First rest day on a week. “Feeling good Lewis”!

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Trap Bar Deadlift Singles (low bar - high handles)

Warn Up:

140 x 3

230 x 3

320 x 3 

410 x 1 x 5 (5 dead stop singles) then,

500 - FAIL x 2 

410 x 1 x 5

410 x 1 x 7

17 singles @ 410lbs

“Dead-stop training forces you to get as tight as possible before starting the repetition. If not, you may fold under the weight and miss the lift completely. Instead of reacting to the load, you will be forced to develop maximal tension each time.

It’s often the most innocent-looking changes that make the most significant impact. Simply breaking up your lifting cadence and putting everything you have into dead-stop training can wildly impact your gains”. - Barbend

AVG HR - 125 BPM

MAX HR - 153 BPM

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

6x6 - Shoulders/Traps…

Seated DB Arnold Press - 50lbs

Slight Bent-over DB Upright Row - 50lbs

*Super Set

Overhead Cable Raises - 60lbs 

DB Shrugs - 115lbs

*Super Set

Cash Out: Band Lateral Raise - 6x6 @ Red 

AVG HR - 125 BPM

MAX HR - 150 BPM

Monday, March 18, 2024

Arms - 6x6….

Gray Band Curl - 6x6

Gray Band Pushdown - 6x6


Close Grip Bench Press - 6x6 @ 165lbs

Upside Down Cable Curls - 6x6 @ 50lbs


AVG HR - 123 BPM

MAX HR - 154 BPM

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Atlas Stone to Shoulder…

115 x 3

160 x 3

175 - Fail

175 - Success! 

AVG HR - 125 BPM

MAX HR - 162 BPM

“Atlas stone lifting is a Compound exercise so it works multiple muscle groups and is taxing on the entire body.

Prominent muscle groups likely to get targeted are the upper and lower back, hips, hamstrings and the biceps.

Other muscle groups include the entire core, forearms and hands, chest, glutes and calves”. - Iron & Strength 

Friday, March 15, 2024

6x6 - Shoulders/Traps…

Victory Raise - Red Band & 10lb DBs

Seal Swings - 25lbs

*Super Set

Banded Victory Raise 

“Do you want a shoulder exercise that hits all three heads of the delts along with the traps and lower rhomboids? well look no further. 

The Victory Raise combines the benefits of the lateral raise, the front raise, and the band pull-apart. It’s a compound exercise that uses the bands to force more delt involvement by keeping the scapula properly aligned. This means you can’t use you can’t compensate with your upper traps.

Tip: Keep some tension in the band at the bottom of the exercise for maximum TUT (Time under tension), and muscle growth”. - Generation Iron

Cash Out: 

Red Band Pull Aparts - 6x6

EZ Bar Bradford Press - 6x6 @ 70lbs

AVG HR - 118 BPM

MAX HR - 150 BPM

Thursday, March 14, 2024

6x6 - Arms…

EZ Bar Preacher  Curls - 50lbs 

EZ Bar Extensions - 50lbs 


Banded Curls - Thick Blue

Banded Pushdowns - Thick Blue 

Cash Out: 2 chin-ups @ 50KG (110lbs)  

AVG HR - 120 BPM

MAX HR - 147 BPM