Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Trap Bar Deadlift Singles (low bar - high handles)

Warn Up:

140 x 3

230 x 3

320 x 3 

410 x 1 x 5 (5 dead stop singles) then,

500 - FAIL x 2 

410 x 1 x 5

410 x 1 x 7

17 singles @ 410lbs

“Dead-stop training forces you to get as tight as possible before starting the repetition. If not, you may fold under the weight and miss the lift completely. Instead of reacting to the load, you will be forced to develop maximal tension each time.

It’s often the most innocent-looking changes that make the most significant impact. Simply breaking up your lifting cadence and putting everything you have into dead-stop training can wildly impact your gains”. - Barbend

AVG HR - 125 BPM

MAX HR - 153 BPM

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