Wednesday, April 24, 2024

10x3 - Arms...

Kettlebell Cheat Curls: 10x3 @ 53lbs

Skull Crushers: 10x3 @ 53lbs

Cheat Curl with Slow Eccentric

Cheat curls are one of the best ways to build biceps size and strength. The key is to not try to drum up business for struggling chiropractors everywhere by grossly hyperextending your low back at the end range of motion. 

Start the movement by flexing at the hips and using your glutes and hamstrings to get the movement started. Be sure to hold the contraction for a one count at the top and lower slowly, emphasizing the biceps by controlling the weight on the way down.

This eccentric stress will cause a lot of muscle growth since you'll be able to use considerably more weight than normal, thanks to the explosive hip extension used to get the movement started”. - T Nation

Cash Out:

Mutt Bar Wide Curls - 3x8 @ 66lbs

Mutt Bar Extensions - 3x8 @ 66lbs


AVG HR - 116 BPM

MAX HR - 152 BPM

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