Thursday, August 22, 2024

Arms - Bands - DTP — or “Dramatic Transformation Principle”…

50-40-30-20-10 reps of: 

Band Curls (Blue)

Band Reverse Grip Pushdowns (Blue)

150 reps of each! 

Alternate movements. Start with 50 reps of

Curls, then move to 50 Pushdowns, then 40 Curls and 40 Pushdowns, and so on.

*To build bigger triceps, the underhand grip is better than overhand. Here’s why:

“An overhand grip encourages the lifter to externally rotate the shoulder with pronation and an underhand grip internally rotates with supination. This influences the position of the elbow joint, and the elbow position relative to the body is most important when working the triceps for isolation and muscle size.

The elbows drift outward with the overhand grip, even if only a little. Flaring of the elbow is unavoidable due to shoulder internal rotation. But with an underhand grip, you prevent that infamous elbow flare.

This is where the underhand pushdown (also called reverse-grip triceps pushdown) shines.

Flipping to an underhand grip adducts the elbow so that it’s tucked nice and tight to the side with the arm back, which allows for more arm extension at the shoulder when in the fully contracted position.

The farther behind the body you can get your arm and the tighter to your side you can position the elbow, the greater the range of motion and the more fully you can contract the long head of the triceps muscle, which is the key muscle you’re trying to activate. So that you know where each of the heads of the triceps are located, refer to the graphic below to see long head, lateral head and medial heads”. - AthleanX

Cash Out: 

ISO Static Flex - Biceps & Triceps…

AVG HR - 135 BPM

MAX HR - 161 BPM


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