Tuesday, March 27, 2007

EDT - Upper Body

Today I trained EDT upper body. I kept it short again.

Session One: (15 minutes)

Military KB Presses - 24kg bells - 60 reps
Renegade Rows - 24kg bells - 40 reps

Session Two: (5 minutes)

Alt KB Chest Press (Static Hold at Top) - 24kg bells - 20reps
Double KB Rows - 24kg bells - 20 reps

I plan on taking the next two days OFF from training to rest. I think my shoulder is getting burnt out from the dips, presses. push ups, superplanks,etc. Not to mention the heavy volume of snatches I have been doing lately. Friday will be a light kettlebell circuit with Saturday my planned return to heavy training.

I love EDT but may get away from it for a few weeks to focus more on heavy training without concern for volume. I think I have been trying to do both (heavy weight and high volume) at the same time and have been pushing myself too hard.


  1. Rob,
    I did the same with my shoulder awhile back. I actually took a full week off(very hard). I started back in slowly with just swings. Now a I am back with pressing and do believe a I am stronger for resting. Get well fast!

  2. Mike,

    I NEED TO BACK OFF BIG TIME! I think I have been too agressive in my training and trying forheravy weight with high volume. I don't know if I could make it a week with no training. Today was hard enough. But...I will do what I have to do.

    Thanks for the support!

