Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Few Days Rest....

I am hoping that a few days rest will be what the DR. ordered in terms of my shoulder/tri pain. This happened last year in my left arm and it was a pinched nerve. I probably did the same thing. The pain went away after some time away from training.

I have been trying to stretch and apply heat. If and when I resume training I am going to do my best to stay injury free. I need to realize that when I feel REAL STRONG that I could be pushing myself too hard. Also I need to realize that I am 38 years old and not 18 anymore. It is a fine line between progress and injury!


  1. you've got to remember that one needs to do almost as much pre/rehab for the joints as one does 'training'. this includes the the 'kinder and gentler' type movements and corrective/balancing moves for the rotator cuff and biceps tendon.
    smart to back off.
    remember also the next step off a peak is always down. you can step back or fall off,lol/
    good luck.

  2. Mark,

    I agree. Backing off is what I should have done last week when I started to feel the pain! I will think going forward. Appreciate the support and feedback.

