Friday, March 30, 2007

Rehab - Slingshots/DARC Swings....

My shoulder feels great..... now the pain is in my trap/lat and my tri. I did some very light (12kg & 16kg) slingshots and DARC swings today to loosen up my muscles and get the blood flowing. I also did some stretching of my back & lats by hanging from a pull up bar. I obviously jumped of the peak last week when I felt very strong. I am going to keep my head going forward and not get too crazy in terms of weight and intensity. If you know me that is easier said than done!


  1. sorry rob but I saw that should read this article on pre/rehab of the rotator cuff , this is what fixed my shoulder after two years of rotator problems:

    I do the overhead upward shrugs with just an empty bar

    good luck and take this seriously as it can mess up a lot of things.

  2. Mark,

    My shoulder feels great. I pinched a nerve and amd having pain in my tri. It is getting better. I did a light rehab workout today. I will heed your warning.

