Friday, May 25, 2007

ABs & Incline Run/Walk

With my recent setback in arm pain I am not planning ANY upper body training until told otherwise by the Dr.'s and I am completely healed. I obviously resumed training too soon and will end up doing permanent damage to my nerve if I push it too much. For once I wish I didn't have an addiction to training....maybe I would have healed sooner.

Today I did an ab circuit and then 20 minutes of cardio.

The Ab circuit consisted of:

Sitting Knee Ups - 3 sets of 15 - 45 reps
Standing Knee Ups - 3 sets of 15 each leg - 45 reps each leg
Decline Sit Ups - 3 sets of 15 each leg - 45 reps

I did the above in a circuit with no rest in between each exercise.

I finished with 20 minutes of alternating walking and running at a 15% incline on the treadmill. The running part was only 20 seconds every 2 minutes but it felt great. I burned 305 calories and had a maximum HR of 184. Pretty good considering my max at my age should be 182.


  1. Man its a bummer about your injury!

    Take it easy, and you'll be back stronger then ever. I speak for my self, but I know in most cases when you get injured, and bounce back and train, your usually more conscience of injury and safer and as well it becomes the more dominant side... dont know why but it did in my case.

    the knee with no cartiledge can do a pistol with an #88 bell, but my left... still working on it.

    Listen to the PT's and they'll get you back where you want to be.

  2. Dustin,

    Thanks for the feedback. I know ,uscle memory with help me in the long tun and I agree that I will be safer training going forward.

