Saturday, May 26, 2007

Xvest Leg Training & Interval Sprint Incline

I put on the 40lb Xvest today and did a short leg workout. I have to remember to keep my Xvest training short because the 40lb weight really adds a lot more resistance than it seems to. Although you can really feel the difference when you take it off. I weighed 155 this morning so the 40 extra lbs is a 25.8% increase in my body weight.

The following was done with no rest in between sets:

Prisoner Squats - 25 reps
Bench Pistols - 5 reps each leg
Walking Lunges - 10 steps each leg
Prisoner Squats - 25 reps
Bench Pistols - 10 steps each leg
Walking Lunges - 10 steps each leg.

Then I did 15 minutes on the treadmill at at 15% incline. I alternated walking at 4.0 mph for 40 seconds and running for 20 seconds each minute. I started the run at 4.5 mph and worked my way up to 8.0 mph by the end of the workout. I burned 240 calories and my max HR was 174.


  1. Rob,
    If your body heals will you be going to the GS meet in Michigan this July 21st?

  2. No plans to as of now. I just want to feel 100% and then I will go from there.

  3. Hey I realize you do more strength-endurance workouts, but your post below about bodyweight leg workouts got me thinking. If for some reason you wanted to go heavy on the legs you might look into hip belt squats.

  4. Thans Royce....I am going to order it today. I will let you know how it works!
