Thursday, August 16, 2007

10 Consecutive Core Exercises...

I like to train core twice a week as a stand alone training session so today I picked 10 exercises and completed them back to back for a minute each with almost no rest in between - except to switch exercises. I mixed some body weight training like the plank and hanging leg raises in with my kettlebell training. My training looked like this:

  1. Saxon Side Bend - 12kg bell
  2. Windmill - 16kg bell - 30 seconds each side
  3. Plank
  4. Figure 8/Hold - 16kg bell
  5. Russian Twist - 16kg bell
  6. Ab Wheel
  7. Get Up Sit Up - 16kg bell - 30 seconds each side
  8. Side Plank - 30 second each side
  9. Alternating One Leg Raise
  10. Hanging Leg Raises

This smoked my abs and core and the the hanging leg raises were really difficult to complete at the end for a minute strait. Next time I am going to aim for 2 times through the circuit with no rest.


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